Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Family Adventures


We are in Kenai, Alaska watching Grizzly Bears feed off of the salmon stream. This day we spent all day as a family watching the bears.

This was in the midst of quarantine, we hiked up Flat Top Mountain. We did this to spend time together, to get out of the house, and to try and stay in shape for sports during the summer.

This is in Soldotna, Alaska. We went fishing on Fathers Day and we all limited out Silver Salmon. We spent all day together and afterwards we had a barbeque.

This is also McHugh Creek, we went to get out of the house and to spend time together as a family.

This is also McHugh Creek during quarantine just the other side of the mountain on a different day. We took the dogs this time to get them out of the house and some fresh air.

This is also during quarantine a mountain near McHugh Creek. We came back because there are three trails and we took the last trail this day. We sat down and looked for Beluga whales and embracing the beautiful scenery.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really cool how you go on adventures as a family. That is a great way to stay conncected as a family.



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